Renovation garden centre Eurofleur Leusden

In progress

Realisation info

Case passport

The Netherlands

Garden centres

4500 m²
Kielstra Leusden
Concept, Production, Installation, Finish


In Leusden, Eurofleur is to make major renovations to its beautiful garden centre.  

  • The front of the centre will feature 2,300 m² of new greenhouses for indoor plants. 
  • At the rear, 2,200 m² of old Venlo greenhouses will be replaced by modern widespan greenhouses.
  • The catering facilities will be completely redesigned according to a modern concept for 2024.

The new spans have a width of 12.80 m and the roofing will consist of insulated hollow core plates. The work will take place in three phases in 2024.

Eurofleur is one of the larger garden centres in the central Netherlands and is known for a lot of attention to plants, a beautiful decoration department and an atmospheric Christmas show.


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